ANZAC Day at Crescent Lagoon State School 2024
April is a busy time for the Cresso community with our commitment to ANZAC Day.
RSL Community Link’s Veteran Memorial Plaques
RSL Community Link is the Returned and Services League remembrance project dedicated to keeping alive the names, memories and deeds of departed Australian or Allied service veterans no matter when or where they served or when they died.
RSL Community Link does this by enabling people to attend RSL, school and community remembrance services as the personal representative of a departed veteran. The representative proudly wears a credit card-sized ‘Veteran’s Memorial Plaque’ which shows the basic details of the veteran’s service and includes a full-colour ribbon bar indicating the medals issued to the veteran.
Crescent Lagoon proudly represents WW1 and WW2 soldiers who have no family to represent them. We represent over 120 soldiers, most of whom are from the 31st /42nd RQR - the CQ battalion based in Western St. In fact, we are the largest participant in the RSL’s Community Link Program in Australia.
We encourage our students to research Cresso’s soldiers as you can usually find their service details at
Families can also apply for their own ‘Veteran Memorial Plaque’ for a family member. There are a number of information sheets that will help you through the application.
Before you apply for the actual badge, you need to know what medals he/she is entitled to. I suggest you read the “Research Tips for VMPs” sheet before you start.
A “Medal Enquiry Form” has to be sent to the Department of Defence in Canberra [at no cost] but it may take a few months to receive a reply.
Once you have all the information, you can apply for the badge using the “RSL Application Form”. A veteran’s plaque costs $15 and some families also get the Representative’s Card which is an extra $4.
RSL Communnity Link Medal Enquiry Form.pdf
New VMP application form.pdf
I am happy to help you complete the paper work or you can send it directly to the RSL [the address is on the form].
CLSS Honour Roll
In 2014, we began a Crescent Lagoon Honour Roll naming all the servicemen and women whose families are a part of our Cresso community.
We would be very happy to add your family members so please send in your information [preferably written]. Simply give us the name of the service man or woman, the conflict they were in eg WW2, Vietnam, your child’s name and their relationship to your child.
eg Terence Tierney WW2 Mrs Layt’s father
Noel Robert Layt Korea, Vietnam Mrs Layt’s father-in-law
ANZAC Services
Our ANZAC commemorations will occur on Thursday 25th April. Family and friends of Crescent Lagoon are very welcome to attend either of our services.
Students from Years 3 to 6 will attend their ANZAC Service in the under covered area [next to the office]. This is because we will be officially opening our Remembrance Garden. The service will be a traditional service and will commence at 9.15.
The service for students from Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 is a little less formal and will commence at 10.30 in the under covered area.
At both services, class wreaths will be laid. We would appreciate students bringing in any flowers or ferns from your garden and teachers will create a wreath on the morning before the service.

ANZAC Parade
Proudly, Crescent Lagoon is usually the largest primary school participant in the Rockhampton ANZAC Parade on ANZAC Day.
Each year, we meet in Archer St at the old Railway Station at 9.30, march at 10.00 and finish by 10.30 at the corner of Quay St and William St [the Heritage].
Cresso family and friends are very welcome to walk with us, we just ask you to walk behind the children.
Please feel free contact me should you have any questions – especially about researching.
Mrs Layt
Music Teacher